Access Improvements to Onchan District Commissioners’ Properties

During 2020 and 2021 Onchan District Commissioners implemented a planned programme of works to improve the physical access to our offices at Hawthorn Villa on Main Road, and The Fun Factory and Ocean Views Restaurant in Onchan Park.

The design brief for these works were to remove the barriers faced by those with physical disabilities and to ensure that they receive the same services or opportunities, as far as this is possible, as someone who's not disabled.

Commissioners’ Offices, Hawthorn Villa – a lift, a level access ramp, and an automated entrance door to the main reception were constructed during 2015 as part of the first phase of making the property more accessible. During 2021 additional works were undertaken to widen internal door openings as well as structural alterations to allow easier access to the lift. The latest works completed mean that those requiring access to the interview room and lift no longer have to use an alternative entrance to the property as the lift is now accessible from the main reception area.

Fun Factory and Ocean Views Restaurant, Onchan Park – in addition to other planned works relating to fire safety and security, during 2020 and 2021 works were undertaken to construct disabled WCs and external access ramps, as well as the installation of a lift and automated doors. Additionally internal alterations were undertaken to widen door openings.

The Commissioners continue to review their publicly accessed properties and services in line with the guidance and duty placed upon us by the Equality Act 2017. We would welcome any suggestions from members of the public to assist in planning for future projects. If you have any comments please forward these to